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Fabric Petal and Button Wedding Bouquet
I used fabric that was hemmed off of my bridesmaid’s dressesto make the pink petals and other white fabric I found at my local fabric storefor contrast. My bouquet is larger and has buttons within the petals. My bridesmaid’shave smaller bouquets with matching petals to mine and white ostrich feather embellishments.Alone each bouquet is beautiful in its own right but all together they reallyare friends. As a personal touch I added a pinned photo of my Mother whopassed away when I was 12 years old at the base of my bouquet. I also added apersonal touch on each one of the bridesmaid’s bouquets by adding the initialof their first names on each of the handles.
These bouquets perfectly match the feeling and look of myromantic soft wedding theme. But the great thing about DIY is that you can takean idea for someone and make it your own by changing the colors and materials.
Hope you ENJOY!
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