20 Aralık 2012 Perşembe

Oh Hey, Internet....Didn't See You There (An Update)

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I suppose it would be a bit of an understatement to say I took a hiatus from blogging, unintended as it was. It doesn't feel like it's been four months, but time does seem to scurry on a little faster than normal with a baby. Speaking of, when we last left off, he was two months old.

And then he was three months...

And four months...

Then five...

And suddenly my little big boy was a whole half a year old. I got a little carried away with his monthly photos this time around...

I ditched the onesie and dressed him in the one adorable preppy outfit he has, fearing this would be the last time he'd fit in it and threw in a stylin' hand-me-down hat for good measure. And then somehow, inadvertently, he ended up looking like the lead singer of Fall Out Boy. Ah, well...

My husband and I also hit a milestone, as we celebrated two years of marriage earlier this month, though the way we spent our anniversary was curled up on the couch at my mom's house because we both caught a nasty stomach bug on the same day. What's worse that getting sick at the same time as your spouse? Doing so when you have a needy baby. Thus we ended up spending the night at my mom's, who graciously took point with Harrison and allowed Charles and I to be pitiful. A few days later we were feeling much better and we snapped this photo to document our 2nd Year:

Look at that hotness. :-D I'm hoping to make taking a family photo a yearly tradition for our anniversary so we can line 'em up and see how the family grows. Hopefully not width wise.

Luckily before the crazy sickness set in, we celebrated our anniversary a couple of days prior with brunch, general relaxing, and massages (in honor of the 2nd anniversary traditional gift: cotton - husband's idea!) while the grandparents watched our little man.

So basically it's been a busy couple of months for us...what about you?

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