8 Ekim 2012 Pazartesi

Apply to HOLIDAY HEAP '12

To contact us Click HERE
It's been a very busy couple of weeks for us here at RPP. We had a great trip to Chicago last week, and almost immediately turned around and headed to NYC for a wedding and a consequential full-on family reunion in Brooklyn, where I confirmed I still have the most fun and lovable cousins in the world. We made it home in time to watch the Raven's lose an embarrassing game to the eagles, and then we slept like rocks last night. This week, we're into full on prep mode for the upcoming holiday season. Speaking of which:

Applications are officially open for Holiday Heap - a super cool craft fair in Baltimore that we help organize through the Charm City Craft Mafia each year. 60+ craft vendors from all over the country, food, music and good times. Always a great show, and a huge crowd shopping for the holidays. Plus, it's in the greatest city in America. You literally can't go wrong.Applications are due October 5th, but don't wait until the last minute to apply! CLICK HERE and do it today!

I hope you're having a fantastic start to autumn. It's my favorite time of year, and it's also a busy time for us, so I have to remember to stop and enjoy it from time to time. Hope you do lots of the same.

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