1 Ekim 2012 Pazartesi

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like....Packing.

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More than anything these days, I've been craving the scene of us decorating a tree, hanging garland & lights, sipping on hot chocolate and putting up those last decorations in our cozy apartment while Christmas tunes play in the background. Reality, however, looks a little more like this:

For some reason we signed a 15 month lease last October, which gave us the task of moving right smack in the middle of December. The smartest choice? Probably not. But hey, at least we're getting a bigger place (raise your hand if you'd like to raise a baby in a one bedroom, 600sqft apartment!) and I'm hoping that we'll get moved in and mostly unpacked in time for me to throw up a little Christmas cheer to enjoy before the holiday descends and then passes on all too quickly (did I mention it's my favorite holiday?).

For the past month and a half I've been pinning all sorts of holiday decor ideas and since I promised myself I wouldn't buy anything before we move in order to limit the amount of stuff we have to transfer from one apartment to another, these will have to tide me over for another week or two!

I absolutely love the wreath snowman and I can't wait until our little boy will be old enough to help decorate the tree! What are your decor plans for the holidays?

Photo credit: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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