1 Ocak 2013 Salı

Becky’s Suzani Chair

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Good morning, friends!

My latest upholstery job was picked up by the owners this morning. This chair was totally unique to me, both in how it was upholstered and how new it was (i.e. newer methods of upholstery, whereas I’m used to furniture that is 20+ years old!). This chair was just over 10 years old, so it wasn’t brand new, but it was in great shape–just needed some new clothes!

Becky had been eyeing this awesome fabric and then, after some time, found it on clearance (like less than $10/yard!) and bought all 5.5 yards. Seriously an awesome deal! I, too, had been eyeing this fabric for awhile, so I was more than excited to get to work with it!

I will say that this chair is MUCH bigger than it reads on-screen. When Becky was asking me for a quote, she texted me a picture of the chair (that’s pretty much how I do business ;) …then her husband brought it by. Here’s a picture of me (average-sized 5’4″ person) in it. I posted this picture on the MYU facebook page earlier this week (like us on facebook for constant behind-the-scenes stuff!), so you may be seeing this again, but isn’t that crazy?

See? Ginormous. I had to essentially crawl into the chair just to upholster the back.

Now for some detail shots…

Love me some zippered cushions…
Unless the corners are uber-specific…these had me up until 4 am. :(
Mmm…double welting! Fun fact: between the double welting on the chair frame and piping on the cushions, this chair took over 40 yards of welting cord. That’s 120 FEET…nearly half of a football field! It never ceases to amaze me how much piping I have to sew for upholstery projects. Needless to say…after all of the piping that’s been created for various pieces of furniture over the past year, my sewing machine and I are pretty much professional piping makers now. ;)
The back was upholstered, too!
I love how it turned out and Becky did too. And I’m happy when my clients are happy! :) On another note…look what came in the mail this week… I’m simultaneously thrilled to death and scared to death every time I use it. It’s AWESOME. There’s a whole new world of sewing to learn now. I ultimately decided that if people are paying me to sew slipcovers and upholster furniture for them (plus, buying items from my etsy shop, now!), then the seams need to be professionally finished, without spending twice the time on french seams. If anyone has any serging/overlocking tips, feel free to share them! I’m mostly hoping Raechel Myers decides to do a series on overlocking, since her “Sewing 101” series was seriously the most helpful thing I’ve found in my sewing lifetime! I first recommended it here, and I still completely back the fact that everyone should take it, either as a beginner or as someone who might need a refresher course! I start another upholstery job this week (I’m actually booked through the end of the year–woohoo!) and then we have Thanksgiving! Enjoy and be safe during the holiday week, friends!

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