1 Ocak 2013 Salı

Born to Deliver: a Book Review and a Giveaway

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UPDATE: The winner of the autographed copy is Briana! Thank you to every one who participated and helped spread the word!

On January 17, 1950, an innocent baby girl was brought into our sinful world, unsuspecting and unaware of the generational strongholds she had just inherited.

By the age of 15, she had given birth to–and given up for adoption–her first baby. Trying to fill the void left by a mother who couldn’t provide emotionally and an absent (but abusive) father, this little girl grew into a woman with such incredibly deep scars that only One could heal. Doing her best to survive in this world on her own, and with the best intentions (at least that’s what she felt at the time), she continued down a painful and broken path that would only lead her to her rock bottom, over 20 years after she gave birth to her first baby. In her wake, she left a trail of broken relationships, unwanted pregnancies and a web of deception that threatened to entangle her and everything she loved.

By the time she had reached her rock bottom, her nearly-grown daughters were beginning to follow in her footsteps and her husband had decided to file for divorce. What happened next was something that can only be described as the grace of God.

That little girl’s name was Kathy and her incredible story of redemption is far from ordinary. Like every other human being on the planet, she tried to cover up sins and move on, hoping they would disappear. Proverbs 28:13 says, “Whoever covers up his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.” (ESV) She, like many of us, learned that the hard way, over and over again. And then she was delivered.


Co-authored by Kathy Brace and Natalie Wickham, Born to Deliver is a book that I cannot recommend enough. So much so that I will be giving away an autographed copy. You may enter the following ways:

  1. Like the Born to Deliver facebook page and comment here to let me know you did.
  2. Read the first chapter here and comment again to let me know you did.
  3. Share this post OR the link to Chapter One (see above) on facebook and comment again to let me know you did. (You may repeat this one every day for additional entries! (And, if you have a business page in addition to your personal page, I will honor two entries every day if you share on both!)
I will announce the winner on December 14 (one week from tomorrow)!

**I was in no way compensated for this review (other than being given a copy of the book to read), nor am I being compensated for this giveaway. I TRULY believe in the grace that God has for our lives and TRULY believe that this is a book that everyone should read. Now share, share, share!**


About the Authors

Kathy Brace is a Certified Professional Midwife who has assisted at over 1,500 births, including ten of her thirteen grandchildren. She is committed to helping families have safe, natural, God-honoring birthing experiences. After
serving as the Director of a nationally accredited midwifery school for twelve years, Kathy now devotes her training efforts to working one-on-one with women using an apprenticeship-based approach. She loves spending time with her four daughters and their families, and is grateful for every opportunity to share with others how God can redeem our failures to accomplish His good.


Natalie Wickham is a Nationally Certified Teacher of Music and enjoys teaching students of all ages and levels in her independent piano studio. She is founder of the popular MusicMattersBlog.com, and is dedicated to inspiring
creativity in music education. She is also author of the book, Pajama School – stories from the life of a homeschool graduate, and producer of the CD, Journey to Self Publishing – 12 steps to successfully publish your book. Natalie’s driving passion in life is to know Christ more deeply, and to inspire and encourage others in their walk with Him.

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