2 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba

Grandma's Mustache In Wedding Photos

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Photo and tutorial at Etsy Weddings Stories and Advice Do you love this idea? Originally from Paper + Craft, a great book available on Amazon or from your local independent bookseller, it was published online on Etsy's link (see below the photo).  Can't you just see the great photos of you and your groom? Not to mention your guests and grandmothers! Add lots of fun to your wedding without adding a lot of cost. You can make these yourself and just add them to your drinks! This one is perfect for pink lemonade! Get some great color straws and get to work! Click the Etsy link to get the tutorial.  Go and pick up your copy of Paper + Craft by Paper+cup Designs, Minhee Cho at your local independent bookseller or order from Amazon. Your independent may not have it in stock but they can order it for you and you'll be supporting your local economy.

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