21 Haziran 2012 Perşembe

Before & After: The Red Barn Outdoor Market Inventory!

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I mentioned yesterday that I had dreamed of writing individual blog posts for each piece I've redone for The Red Barn Outdoor Market...but that obviously didn't happen due to time constraints (and quitting my job!). However, because of those plans, I did make sure to get "before" photos of each piece, so I thought I'd give you each before & after shot, which are always my favorites to see! So, enjoy, and make sure to come see us at The Market this weekend!

Ohh, I didn't show you this one yesterday. This "before" JUST might win as the "ugliest" purchase I've ever made at Goodwill!

Items added for scale this time! And seriously guys, I'm thisclose to adding a "Not for Sale" sticker to this one!

This is the top of the antique Jasper Desk Co. desk that I restored...you can see how much damage was all over it. There were also burn marks (some from cigarettes, some from I don't know what) on the other side that aren't pictured.

This is a side shot, showing how dinged up the legs were.

And here she is in all of her restored glory!

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