15 Haziran 2012 Cuma

Jen Skelley on Fab.com

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Print by Jen Skelley Duval on Fab.com
In about two weeks, I'm going to offer prints of almost ALL of my paintings from the last 5 years online, and I'm kicking off that release with a sale on a website called Fab.com - which offers really cool well designed products for a discounted price for a really limited time. My friend (and fellow Syracuse alum) Jen Skelley is having a sale on Fab this week and I'm so excited for her I wanted to share it here. I'm smitten with this floral print poster the most. You may as well sign up for a Fab account now, and sneak a peek at the rest of her work! That way, you'll be ready to see what we're offering from Red Prairie Press - starting May 28th!

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