18 Haziran 2012 Pazartesi

Freshly Sharpened Pencils

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"Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address."  
                       - Joe Fox

I've always loved You've Got Mail, though I'm a sucker for any of Tom Hanks' older movies. I've also always had a thing for school supplies...I know better than to head down that aisle during August (or any time, really). So a few months ago when Fall should have been setting in, here in Texas we were still experiencing 100 degree days and I started pining away for cooler weather. When school started up and all I could see walking through the grocery store were pens and pencils and folders and highlighters, it made me think of that quote from the movie.

So I went out and bought a pack of pencils. For like a dollar.

Then I stole the mason jar that I had turned into a pin cushion jar awhile back and after tediously sharpening all 40-ish pencils (funnily enough, doing it by hand ended up being faster than using the old-n-busted electric sharpener), I shoved artfully arranged them in the jar!

Simple, cute, and now that we're actually starting to experience fall weather here in Central Texas, appropriate.

Has the changing seasons made you do anything crazy? Did anyone else watch You've Got Mail many times as a teenage girl?

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