Hello, friends!
I hope today finds you well and off to a productive start to your week. And, well, if not…that’s OK. Tomorrow’s another day.
I finally finished a project last night that’s been in the works for awhile. A few months ago, I found a black & white canvas that was covered in what I considered “encouraging” sentiments. You know…like, “Follow your dreams,” or, “Be true to yourself.” I really like having “words” around me…especially those that are encouraging, so I brought it home. I tried to hang it and was swiftly stopped by an unhappy Cowboy. “Follow your dreams? What about following the will of the Lord?” he said. And I knew he was right. (His brother was there and quickly agreed with him…that one did not go over as well.) SO…the $5 purchase sat in my studio for a couple of months. Last weekend, I pulled it out and decided to give it a makeover. So, I pulled out a tube of paint (DecoArt Metallic Acrylic in “Glorious Gold,” if you’re wondering) from my stash, and painted away, giving me a beautifully gold slate to work with.
I love the sentiment of “Be open to whatever comes next.” If I have a glaringly obvious weakness, it’s that I don’t LOVE change. I do…but I don’t. You know what I mean? I just like my routine. And, if things are going to be changing, I like to be forewarned with enough time to prepare and adjust. Or, I like to be the one behind the change (which means I’ve had ample time to process it!). And, if you’re a regular reader or a friend/family member of ours, you know that we have A LOT of change happening in the upcoming year. Medical school ends, we move across the country (which entails not only moving our possessions but also moving my business), finding a new church, finding new friends, trying to launch my business there, J starting residency. All of that hard work to change and move and adapt everything and we might only be there for 12 months or less. And then we do it all over again. So, the reminder to be open to whatever comes next is EXACTLY what I need in front of me, especially during this season of life, lest I get too wrapped up in wanting to “know.” We never really know.
Anyway, if you’re wanting to recreate this look, here’s how I did it:
1. Figure out, in Word (or whatever word-processing program you have), what font and font size you need and want.
2. Print them out in a light gray to save ink. To save myself time and ink/paper, I only print one of each letter. (See how the quote is incomplete below? That’s because I only need to cut one out of paper, which I can then reuse to cut multiples from fabric.)
3. Cut them out of the paper and use that as a template to trace onto the back of your fabric (make sure the “right” side of the letter is facing the “wrong” side of the fabric, so you don’t end up with backward letters), and cut them out. Keep going until your quote is complete, then decide how you want your letters arranged.
4. Once you have everything arranged, use modpodge both on the canvas (underneath the letters) and then over the fabric letters.
5. Let it dry and admire your handiwork!
I already had the paint, Modpodge and fabric, so my only cost was the $5 for the canvas! This idea definitely isn’t original–have you guys done something similar to this? I’d love to see them!
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