21 Şubat 2013 Perşembe

Thank you Baltimore

To contact us Click HERE
Photos by my pal Kacey of Found Studio

Just wanted to take a holiday-style moment, and thank my home city for their overwhelming support of the arts this weekend. No really. I mean it this time.We had record numbers of shoppers at Holiday Heap on Saturday, and after months of exhausting work planning and prepping for the show and the crazy amounts of obstacles at the last minute, we made it through better than ever before. I'm so proud to live in the city where our best craft fairs happen. I'm so happy to do what I do, and so inspired to keep doing it after meeting so many people that have the kindness to tell me I'm doing something right.

When most of your time is spent alone in a basement studio doing physical labor and coming up with new designs based on your own design tastes, it can be slightly daunting & scary. I don't EVER know if anyone's going to like what I make, and I constantly convince myself that no one will. Doing a successful event (and having been a part of the epic planning of said event) really lifts my spirits. Even though my business is so tiny I can't even be called a small business (I'm a "Micro-enterprise") and even though I'm SO TIRED, and even though I'll be back to finding ways of doubting myself by Tuesday... A day like Saturday convinces me I have managed to find the absolute EXACT job I am suppose to have.

Here's to a lifetime of making stuff. And here's to people who notice and give you emotional high fives along the way. Thanks Baltimore.

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